Associate Degree Nursing (ADN)

bet9备用登录地址的护理副学士学位(ADN)课程为学生的职业生涯做准备 as a professional registered nurse.  

Nursing is a passion and a profession!


bet9备用登录地址的护理副学士学位(ADN)课程为学生的职业生涯做准备 as a professional registered nurse with state-of-the-art facilities and educators 谁在卫生保健领域有多年的实际工作经验. Collin College has 被全国护理教育联盟认定为卓越护理教育中心 该学院是全美为数不多的社区学院之一 to earn that honor.


Nursing Program Courses are offered at the McKinney Campus located at 2200 W. University Drive, McKinney, TX 75071


NOTICE TO POTENTIAL STUDENTS -我们的每个临床设施都有必须满足的要求 allowed to gain entry to the facility and to participate in clinical experiences.  大多数需求在医疗保健组织之间进行了标准化.  However, 有些有与患者群体相关的特定要求.  In order to meet program 结果和完成你的临床经验,你必须遵守临床机构 requirements.  如果你选择不遵守代理机构的要求,我们不能 保证完成护理课程.


bet9备用登录地址的所有护理课程都是由德克萨斯州护理委员会批准的 (TBON) -德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会(THECB).  




ADN完全由护理教育认证委员会认可 (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326, (404) 975-5000. The most ACEN委员会最近为科林做出了认证决定 College Associate Degree Nursing program in 2023 is Continuing Accreditation.






ADN Student Handbook



The Nursing Experience

护理是一项要求高但回报高的职业. Upon acceptance into the nursing program, you must make a commitment to hard work and study to be successful in the program. 强烈推荐以下建议:

  • Plan to limit full-time work to fewer hours so that you have time to study nursing.
  • 在开始护理课程之前,完成尽可能多的辅助课程.
  • Allow at least 15 hours per week to study and prepare for class and clinical.

ADN Career

护理副学士(ADN)是由社区大学提供的两年制学位 以及以医院为基础的护理学校,为个人准备特定的技术 scope of practice.  副学士护理课程为学生注册做准备 nurses (RN).  拥有ADN学位的注册护士可以在医院、医生和护士中心工作。 办公室、家庭保健服务、门诊诊所、学校和护理机构. 

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Advancing to BSN

Click  HERE  for more information.

Estimated Cost

Click  HERE  for Tuition and Fees. 

The nursing student should anticipate other costs in addition to books, tuition and fees paid to the college for courses taken.  

A few general additional fees include: 

  • 制服和/或实验服(根据具体项目而定)
  • ATI learning materials
  • Collin College Nursing Student I.D.
  • CPR Certification
  • 技能包或医疗设备(视具体项目而定)
  • Drug testing
  • 国家护理委员会费用(适用于具体项目)
  • FBI fingerprints and background check
  • Health insurance
  • Physical exams
  • Immunizations
  • Online instructional resources
此列表不一定包含所有内容,并且可能会更改. Special fees and charges may be added as necessary and as approved by the Board of Trustees of Collin College.

Program Overview

The ADN programs consist of 60 credit hours and prepare the student for licensure 德克萨斯州护理委员会(BON)考试. 

The ADN graduate will be able to:

  • 运用临床推理和护理知识,对护理程序进行研究、取证 based practice outcomes, and research studies as the basis for decision-making and 全面、安全的患者护理,提高患者的生活质量.
  • Demonstrate skills in using patient care technologies and information systems that support safe nursing practice.
  • Promote safety and quality improvement as an advocate and manager of nursing care.
  • Coordinate, collaborate, and communicate with diverse patients/clients, families, and the interdisciplinary health care team to plan, deliver, and evaluate care.
  • 坚持在法律、道德和监管框架内的实践标准 the professional nurse.
  • 展示授权、管理和领导技能的知识.
  • Demonstrate behavior that reflects the values and ethics of the nursing profession.

Information Presentation for ADN Program


Click HERE

Admission Requirements

The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) Program is offered at the McKinney Campus.   


ADN项目是一个为期两年的项目(4个学期)。.  The admission cycles will be in Spring and Fall Semesters.  



Notice to Potential Students目前,ADN计划无法接受不成功的学生 in other nursing programs.  

要求转学的护理学生,在他们目前的 护理专业和没有挂科的护理课程,只会被考虑 符合申请要求,并了解他们必须从第一阶段开始 of the ADN Program.  



1.  Application to Collin College:

  • 申请人必须在申请前申请并被bet9备用登录地址录取 to the ADN program.
  • 申请人必须有CWID学生号和bet9备用登录地址的电子邮件. 
  • Official transcripts from all schools attended must be submitted to Admissions at Collin College.  为了确定你的课程是否可以转到bet9备用登录地址, contact Academic Advising at   

2.  Application to the ADN Program
  • Complete the steps listed above.

3.  TEAS:  
  • 所有护理申请者都需要参加TEAS考试.  There are no exemptions.
  • 在麦金尼校区可以参加tea考试.  The Testing Center can accommodate 34 applicants on each test date.
  • 所有bet9备用登录地址的考试日期都结束了 ATI.  The TEAS exam will be taken at the Testing Center (W206) on the McKinney Campus.  


March 4, 5, 18, 21, 26, 27

April 2, 4, 9, 11

  • 考试也可以通过ATI测试作为在线监考考试.
  • Go to 或致电800-667-7531登记和安排tea.
  • 申请将以最低综合总分考虑 65%.  The Reading and Science components of the TEAS score needs to be 50% or higher.  
  • A TEAS score is accepted if it is within one year of the application deadline date.
  • 每个申请期可以参加2次考试.   
  • 申请人将获得总分的10%作为申请 point process.
  • A TEAS score must be on file with ATI and available to Collin College on or before the application deadline date.  如果tea考试是在线考试,有监考 exam, contact ATI and authorize ATI将向bet9备用登录地址发布tea成绩.  It is the applicant's responsibility to assure that ATI sends the TEAS score to Collin College.
  • 最新版的第七版是唯一被接受的考试.    

4.  Prerequisites:  
  • There are 3 prerequisites.  

Biology 2401 (Anatomy and Physiology I),

Biology 2402 (Anatomy and Physiology II),

Biology 2420 (Microbiology).

  • 必须有一个令人满意的完成(成绩“C”或以上)的先决条件课程.
  • 完成所有三个先决条件可得一分.
  • Points are awarded for the prerequisite grade of "C" or better by the application deadline date.  重修/退修必修课程,扣1分 within 5 years. 
  • Biology courses are accepted if taken within five years of the application deadline date.
  • 三门必修课程的累积GPA必须达到 2.5 or above. 
  • Applicants can apply with two out of the three prerequisite courses complete, the third prerequisite course must be listed on the transcript as being "in progress".  这门课程必须在学期开始前完成并取得成绩.  If the "in progress" course is completed prior to the official application deadline date, an 更新后的成绩单必须立即上交.


5.  Application
  • The ADN Application is online.  Complete and submit the application.  After submitting the application, an email will be sent with a link to upload required documents.  Follow the directions to upload unofficial transcripts from ALL colleges/universities attended (including Collin College), TEAS score and military documents, if applicable.  如果所要求的文件,申请将不予考虑 are not submitted.
6.  COVID-19
  • NOTICE TO POTENTIAL STUDENTS - Each of our clinical facilities have requirements that must be met in order to be allowed to gain entry to the facility and to participate in clinical experiences.  大多数需求在医疗保健组织之间进行了标准化.  However, 有些有与患者群体相关的特定要求.  In order to meet program 结果和完成你的临床经验,你必须遵守临床机构 requirements.  如果你选择不遵守代理机构的要求,我们不能 保证完成护理课程.  

7.  Immunizations

  • 申请时不需提交免疫接种记录. Accepted students will be provided instructions on how to submit immunization records. Since 有些免疫接种是长期进行的,强烈建议您仔细检查 immunization requirements before applying (See Immunization Checklist for Clinical).



  • 购买责任险(由学校提供,包含在学费中).
  • 为临床经验购买学校认可的制服.
  • 获得CPR认证-基本生命支持(BLS)必须由美国心脏协会.
  • 你的医生是否填写了身体表格.
  • Complete all required immunizations.
  • Complete a TB (Tuberculosis) skin test and provide a copy of the results annually.
  • Agree to a criminal background check.
  • 在主任指定的日期完成药物筛选,费用由学生承担 of Nursing prior to the start of school.
  • Health Insurance documentation. 所有护理专业的学生必须提供证明文件 having a health insurance policy.
  • 购买所需的用品,制服和教科书,包括强制性教学 resources from ATI 



The next admission will be for SPRING 2025 with an application deadline date of June 1, 2024.  该申请将于4月底开放.    




Notice to Potential Students:  此时,ADN计划无法接受不成功的学生 in other nursing programs. 


要求转学的护理学生,在他们目前的 护理专业和没有挂科的护理课程,只会被考虑 符合申请要求,并了解他们必须从第一阶段开始 of the ADN Program.  


ADN Selection Criteria

TEAS Information

  • 在麦金尼校区可以参加tea考试.  The Testing Center can accommodate 34 applicants on each test date. 
  • 所有bet9备用登录地址的考试日期都结束了 ATI.  考试将在麦金尼校区的考试中心进行.


March 4, 5, 18, 21, 26, 27

April 2, 4, 9, 11

  • 考试也可以通过ATI测试作为在线监考考试. 
  • Go to 或致电800-667-7531登记和安排tea.
  • 每个申请期可以参加2次考试.
  • A TEAS score is accepted if it is within one year of the application deadline date.  
  • 申请将以最低综合总分考虑 65%. The Reading and Science components of the TEAS score needs to be 50% or higher.
  • 申请人将获得总分的10%作为申请 point process.
  • 如果tea考试是在线考试,有监考 exam, contact ATI and authorize ATI将向bet9备用登录地址发布tea成绩.  It is the applicant's responsibility 以确保ATI将tea成绩发送给bet9备用登录地址.  The score must be received on or before the application deadline date.
  • 最新版的第七版是唯一被接受的考试.   

Degree Plan

Click HERE for detailed AAS Degree Plan


为了响应《bet9备用登录地址》,一项针对行政人员的全国性调查 在雇用护士的卫生保健设施中,确认了一份基本能力清单 为了在各种临床工作中安全有效地发挥作用,护士必须具备 settings. Results indicate that relatively high numbers of activities were identified 在每个基本能力类别中,由卫生保健机构视为必要 for nursing practice.

These competencies include:

  • extended walking and standing daily
  • ability to grasp, push, and/or pull
  • ability to bend and stoop
  • moving quickly in response to an emergency
  • using upper body movements
  • 能够够到搬运和移动设备
  • reaching and/or lifting

  • 能够察觉身体变化的视觉
  • 能够对身体和语言暗示做出反应的听觉
  • 能进行评估和触诊的触觉

据报道,护理人员最常使用的适应性措施是助听器, adaptive phones, and calculators.

*bet9备用登录地址的ADN护理课程也接受这些身体能力 as expectations for success in the program. Applicants will complete a Functional 能力/核心表现标准有条件接受护理后的表格 program.


It is important to understand the licensing process in order to minimize potential 护理专业毕业生在获得护理执照时可能遇到的问题. Schools of nursing do not have the power to grant licensure for the Registered Nurse (RN). 该护理项目获得了德克萨斯州护理委员会的认证,可以提供教育 and training which qualifies the student to take a state licensing examination. The graduate of the program must make application to the Texas Board of Nursing to take the licensing examination.


有理由参加或计划参加基本护理课程的个人 认为他/她可能不符合申领牌照的资格,必须向委员会提出申请 裁定其资格的宣告令. Factors affecting eligibility for licensure include:

  1. been convicted of a misdemeanor?
  2. been convicted of a felony?
  3. 无抗辩,无抗辩,或有罪?
  4. received deferred adjudication?
  5. 要么接受社区监督,要么接受法院缓刑, whether or not adjudicated guilty?
  6. 被判入狱、监禁或法院下令监禁?
  7. been granted pre-trial diversion?
  8. 被逮捕或有任何未决的刑事指控?
  9. 被传讯或被指控违反法律?
  10. been subject of a court-martial; Article 15 violation; or received any form of military judgment/punishment/action?
  • 你目前是大陪审团或政府机构调查的目标或对象吗?
  • 是否有任何许可证颁发机构拒绝向您颁发许可证或被吊销、作废、 canceled, accepted surrender of, suspended, placed on probation, refused to renew 您现在或以前持有的专业执照、证书或多州特权; 也不会被罚款,谴责,训斥或以其他方式惩罚你?
  • Within the past five (5) years have you been addicted to and/or treated for the use of alcohol or any other drug?
  • 在过去的五(5)年内,您是否曾被诊断、治疗或住院 精神分裂症和/或精神障碍,双相情感障碍,偏执型人格 disorder, antisocial personality disorder, or borderline personality disorder? Additional 资格标准可能存在,要求可能会改变. The interested 申请人被敦促审查的信息发布的护理得克萨斯州委员会.

Texas 2-Step Nursing Pathway Program



Below are the eligibility guidelines for Medical City Healthcare:

  • Must be employed at a Medical City Healthcare facility for a minimum of six months. 
  • 是否在工厂有良好的信誉-以前没有纪律处分/记录 six months.
  • Submission to the site coordinator for our respective facilities, a recommendation 你的经理或院长在医院信笺上写的给你专业人员的信 行为,出勤,职业道德和态度.
  • 2年工作承诺并完成BSN学位(第二步)
  • Application to Collin College
  • 完成所有初级先决条件,GPA不低于2分.5:

A&P I (BIOL 2401)
A & P II (BIOL 2402)
Micro (BIOL 2420)

  • 完成所有二级先决条件,最低成绩为“C”;

ENGL 1301
PSYC 2314
PSYC 2301
Humanities course

  • 完成ATI tea考试的最低综合总分为65%.  The individual scores for the Reading and Science portion of the TEAS score needs to be 50% or higher.
  • 在入学要求和申请选项卡上完成申请流程.  
For more information regarding the program or to obtain a packet, contact Learning Institute Manager at




 Immunization Checklist for Clinical


NOTICE TO POTENTIAL STUDENTS - Each of our clinical facilities have requirements that must be met in order to be allowed to gain entry to the facility and to participate in clinical experiences.  大多数需求在医疗保健组织之间进行了标准化.  However, 有些有与患者群体相关的特定要求.  In order to meet program 结果和完成你的临床经验,你必须遵守临床机构 requirements.  如果你选择不遵守代理机构的要求,我们不能 保证完成护理课程.      

End of Program Student Learning Outcomes



EPSLO #1: The students will demonstrate the knowledge to serve as a member of the profession. 

EPSLO #2: The students will demonstrate the ability to serve as a member of the profession. 

EPSLO #3: 学生将展示作为以患者为中心的提供者的知识 care. 

EPSLO #4: 学生将展示作为以病人为中心的服务提供者的能力 care using clinical judgment. 

EPSLO #5: The students will demonstrate the knowledge to serve as a patient safety advocate 通过减少患者受到伤害的风险,包括安全用药. 

EPSLO #6: The students will demonstrate the ability to serve as a patient safety advocate by 减少患者受到伤害的风险,包括安全用药. 

EPSLO #7: The students will demonstrate the knowledge to serve as a member of the health care team through teamwork and collaboration. 

EPSLO #8: The students will demonstrate the ability to serve as a member of the health care team through communication.


ADN Program Outcomes: 

  德州护理委员会NCLEX-RN合格率 On-Time Completion Completion in 150% of Time Employment Within 1 Year of Gradauation









92%(employed or working on BSN)




82% 86% 96%





